"Opreşte trecerea! Ştiu că unde nu e moarte, nu e nici iubire - şi totuşi, Te rog: Opreşte, Doamne, ceasornicul cu care ne măsori destrămarea."

sâmbătă, 12 februarie 2011

how far would you go when you have the power?

'Das Experiment' or in English, 'The Experiment' is a German film directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel, based on the novel 'Black Box'.This film tells the story of a social experiment, inspired from The Stanford prison experiment.

The psychological thriller begins with 20 men, who for a sum of money, accept to take part in an experiment where some of them will play the role of guardians and some that of prisoners.The main character, Tarek participates as a journalist.During the experiment, they are observed by a team of scientists.After a few days, one of the guardians starts a war against the prisoners and now there starts the fight for survival too.

The cast is excellent and Moritz Bleibtreu as Tarek Fahd or in prison, prisoner 77 has a professional acting performance.Also, if you like love stories, surprisingly there is one between Tarek and Dora, the woman he meets after a car accident before the experiment.

The film has a tragic end and I am sure that it will change the way you see many things in life.'Das Experiment' is that sort of film that makes you think : how far would you go when you have the power?

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